2023考研英语二大作文范文 线形图




As is explicitly demonstrated in the line graph above, the 6 years between2007 and 2012 have witnessed some remarkable changes with regard to thestatistics of Chinese students studying abroad. To be concrete, the number ofChinese students to pursue a further study in other countries has experienced asteady gain

of 50 thousand, from roughly 10 thousand in 2007 to approximately 60thousand in 2012.

Theoretically speaking, several fundamental driving forces could accountfor this phenomenon in the graph, with the following three weighing the mostfrom my perspective. Previously, with the accelerating pace of the economy andsociety, parents in mounting numbers have possessed sufficient financialresources, which enables them to afford their children’s higher education indeveloped countries. Simultaneously, we have not failed to notice that, owing toeven more desirable education facilities and atmosphere in advanced countrieslike the United States and British than that in our country, thus it is withoutwonder that an ocean of students study overseas to equip them with a preferableeducation. Ultimately, so fierce is the competition of the job market that anincreasing number of students have inclined to be an overseas returnee to havecompetitive advantages over others.

Taking what has been argued so far into account, we may inevitably concludethat the fashionable trend will continue in the forthcoming future. Yet, weshould take it rationally. Although it is profitable for broadening people’shorizons, it may also lead an extravagant and meaningless life for some people.Accordingly, people should treat it rationally. And it is also advisable for thegovernment to pay closer attention to the quality of domestic universityeducation.






